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你是否正为将来的职业忙得焦头烂额? 复旦附中海外基金会今年正式推出Career Salon系列活动,将职业资深且有资源的校友和在找工作的朋友联系在一起,提供资源和建议,希望能为正在美国找工作的朋友们助一臂之力!
Fudan Fuzhong Overseas Foundation is proud to introduce Chongren Fan ('07) and his new show at the Flea Theater in October 2014. Thanks to the special offer by the Flea Theater, our alums were accommodated with special discount, group seating and a free drink per person for this event. Thirty-five theater lovers participated and enjoyed a private conversation with the director about his theater experience after the show.
On Nov. 17th, 2013, Seventeen alumni and their five friends gathered at the luxury riverside residence on the Upper West Side of Manhattan to participate in Foundation's special seminar on immigration "Three Paths to Green Card". The seminar was presented by attorney Owen Gu from Zhang & Associates, the biggest Chinese-owned law firm in the US.
We're proud to bring award-winning independent filmmaker and Fuzhong alumna Yi Chen ('99) to New York City for a solo show of her photography and films on Novemember 10, 2012. FL 324 has won a Peer Award from TIVA-DC and Best Narrative Short at Our City Film Festival. The film has toured film festivals in the United States, including DC Independent Film Festival, Heritage Film Festival, and Falls Church Film Festival. House of Happiness is a work-in-progress verite documentary about the life inside Washington, DC's Chinatown.